splash out

英 [splæʃ aʊt] 美 [splæʃ aʊt]



  1. PHRASAL VERB 花大笔钱(买奢侈品)
    If you splash out on something, especially on a luxury, you buy it even though it costs a lot of money.
    1. If he wanted to splash out on a new car it would take him a couple of days to get his hands on the cash...
    2. Can you afford to splash out a little? Is your budget unlimited?


  1. If he wanted to splash out on a new car it would take him a couple of days to get his hands on the cash
  2. Can you afford to splash out a little? Is your budget unlimited?
  3. The former California governor, whose Sabotage is opening in China next week, made a splash on the red carpet, signing autographs and telling fans he kept fit by working out twice a day and playing chess.
  4. Apple now seems to be more defensive rather than really splash out something new, said Jenny Mao, a tech-savvy white-collar worker in Shanghai.
  5. Guests do still occasionally splash out on wines that cost thousands of United States dollars a bottle.
  6. So maybe I should splash out.
  7. When government cannot splash out on creating jobs and new public services, and everyone has to tighten their belts, the feel-good factor counts.
  8. Juventus intend to splash out on Manchester United defender Gaby Heinze in the summer.
  9. The wealthy, it seemed, still were rich enough to splash out some cash despite the ever-deepening worries about the effects of the credit crisis and the steep decline in share prices.
  10. Many Australians will really have a merry Christmas as more companies forget the financial crisis this holiday season and splash out on year-end parties, according to a business forecast.
  11. China's splash in the arcane world of submersibles comes after years of singling out major industries and technologies for rapid development.
  12. Germany's car scrappage scheme proved remarkably successful at getting usually frugal citizens to splash out; the 40 per cent rise in second-quarter car registrations boosted German consumption exactly when it was needed.
  13. In a recession people are reluctant to splash out on consumer goods like tvs, dishwashers, etc.
  14. The British spend 100 a night, while Irish visitors splash out 94.
  15. The good news for Amazon is that tablet users seem more inclined to splash out on stuff than web shoppers who use PCs, according to Forrester, another research firm.
  16. We've decided to splash out on a holiday abroad this year.
  17. The mountains and rivers and blue sky are monochromatic, the splash splashing gives somebody cool purpose, the musical sound and sensation of movement that and does not cry out, like a interesting light music, give somebody limitless reverie.
  18. Forget buying a house and splash out on your own robot instead.
  19. Considered terrain condition, a mathematical model of droplet random splash was proposed, and the corresponding differential equation was set up and worked out by Runge-Kutta and Monte-Carlo method.